Dubai City  In Tours

Dubai city tour - Explore Dubai

A city that managed to change so much in the last 50 years, and tripled its population, is now one of the most popular tourist spots in the world. Continue reading as we’ll give you all the information needed for your first trip to Dubai, what rules you must follow, and what to visit. Hop on and enjoy. As a little preview, here are some of the things we'll go through together

UAE has its rules regarding visas and how you should act when you go there. This will also give you an insight into what to expect when you arrive and what the prices are. Before you start your tour of Dubai, we recommend you carefully read the section below.

Dubai entry requirements

There are different requirements depending on what passport you own. Citizens of around 50 countries do not need a visa to enter UAE, but others will have to arrange a visa before their trip to Dubai.&nbspSome countries requiring a visa are Serbia, Albania, Turkey, and North Macedonia. You can apply for a visa via approved hotels, airlines, tour operators, and travel agencies. Those that do not require a visa, this includes countries of the EU, Russia, China, and others can get one upon their arrival in Dubai. Depending on what country you come from, you can stay from 30 to 90 days in UAE.

How much does a trip to Dubai cost - Is Dubai expensive?

It’s considered that Dubai is an expensive city, no lies there, but planning is crucial if you want to save money. The trip price can vary depending on how long you want to stay, when you want to visit and what you want to see. Dubai is not as expensive compared to London or New York. A night out or a hotel can cost you the same, if not even more. Plane tickets can vary depending on where you’re arriving from and at what time you’re visiting. The price range is somewhere around $300 to $1000, and even more.

Dubai travel tips

How should I dress: Even though there are many cultures and religions in UAE, this is predominantly a Muslim country. Therefore you should be careful about what you wear. In respect of the modest Muslim culture, women should not wear revealing clothes, transparent materials that show the body, or very tight and short items. Men should not walk around shirtless.

Like taking photos? Ask for permission first: Unless you’re taking photos of some major tourist attraction, you should always ask for permission when photographing strangers. Don’t take photos of Muslim women without their consent or any stranger that may be near you when you take a selfie. Taking pictures of objects like government buildings, military installations, or airports is highly forbidden.

What about tipping: Tipping is a common practice in Dubai, but it’s not always expected. For example, taxi drivers don’t expect you to leave a tip, but luggage carriers do. Note that most restaurants already include a tip on the bill.